Stop Locator

RTD Denver - LD1 Schedule

Instructions: Click/Tap to highlight the row & column. Scroll/Swipe left and right for longer schedules.

Monday-Friday - Roosevelt Park - Longmont

Union Station Gate B18 US 36 & Broomfield Station Gate R US 287 & Midway Blvd US 287 & Campus Dr Public Rd & Exempla Cir Lafayette PnR Gate A US 287 & Diamond Cir US 287 & Niwot Rd Longmont PnR 23rd Ave & Main St
7:03am 7:21am 7:27am 7:33am 7:35am 7:43am 7:51am 8:01am 8:08am -
8:03am 8:21am 8:27am 8:33am 8:35am 8:43am 8:51am 9:01am 9:08am -
3:03pm 3:18pm 3:24pm 3:30pm 3:32pm 3:40pm 3:48pm 3:58pm 4:05pm -
4:03pm 4:18pm 4:24pm 4:30pm 4:32pm 4:40pm 4:48pm 4:58pm 5:05pm 5:22pm
4:43pm 4:58pm 5:04pm 5:10pm 5:12pm 5:20pm 5:28pm 5:38pm 5:45pm 6:02pm
5:30pm 5:45pm 5:51pm 5:57pm 5:59pm 6:07pm 6:15pm 6:25pm 6:32pm 6:49pm

Monday-Friday - Denver Union Station

S Hover St & Boston Ave 23rd Ave & Main St Main St & 21st Ave Longmont PnR US 287 & Niwot Rd US 287 & Diamond Cir Lafayette PnR Gate A Public Rd & Exempla Cir US 287 & Empire Rd US 287 & W 5th Ave US 36 & Broomfield Station Gate P Union Station
5:14am 5:27am 5:28am 5:45am 5:51am 6:00am 6:09am 6:14am 6:17am 6:23am 6:27am 6:42am
6:14am 6:27am 6:28am 6:45am 6:51am 7:00am 7:09am 7:14am 7:17am 7:23am 7:27am 7:42am
- - - 7:42am 7:48am 7:57am 8:06am 8:11am 8:14am 8:20am 8:24am 8:39am
- - - 8:34am 8:40am 8:49am 8:58am 9:03am 9:06am 9:12am 9:16am 9:31am
- - - 4:39pm 4:45pm 4:54pm 5:03pm 5:08pm 5:11pm 5:20pm 5:24pm -
- - - 5:54pm 6:00pm 6:09pm 6:18pm 6:23pm 6:26pm 6:35pm 6:39pm -